Concerning the stages, I don't think I could have been happier. The stages were not so far away from one another that it was a chore to have to traverse between them. And the sound ... I do have to say that I'm very impressed with how every stage sounded. Nothing was too muddy or echo-y or any of the other problems that can come out of performing a show outside with gigantic speakers. Every instrument seemed to be loud enough, and in the tents I even had to break out the ear plugs (which, in my book, is a good sign when it still sounds amazing with ear plugs in, which it did). There were recycling bins everywhere, which had a pretty good effect as I didn't see very much garbage on the ground (when you get however many people showed up to the Fest [the place was packed] to recycle their trash, I'm very pleased). I've only been to so many festivals, but I do have to say that this really was a phenomenally run festival. Kudos MHMF crew, kudos.
Now, that's not to say I had the best time of my life. The bands that I did see were not all bad but ... well lets just starts from the top. Pt. 2 will be posted soon.
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