Full Monolith Music Fest Line-up:
Gimme a a or two and I'll have an mp3 sample of each (or most) of these artists:
The Decemberists
Kings of Leon
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
Ghostland Observatory
Juliette & The Licks
Kid Sister
Vienna Teng
The Broken West
Everything Absent or Distorted
Ra Ra Riot
Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band
Mason Proper
Born in the Flood
De Novo Dahl
Mobius Band
Angie Stevens
On a Sun
A Verse Unsung
Bela Karoli
The Flaming Lips
Art Brut
Brian Jonestown Massacre
Cloud Cult
Matt & Kim
Au Revoir Simone
Bob Log III
William Elliot Whitmore
Rocky Votalato
Earl Greyhound
Hot IQs
Lords of the Underground
Otis Gibbs
Forget Cassettes
Cameron McGill
The Thieves
Machine Gun Blues
The Swayback
Minus Story
Gregory Alan Isakov
Nina Storey
Stranger Lazy
This is also the next installment of the my Metalocalypse series.
Performance Klok
May 29, 2007
May 28, 2007
"I Wanna Be, I Wanna In, I Wanna Be, Inna Hipster Band"

(Photo by Coleen Whitfield)

Band: Chuck Palmer
Date: 2007-05-08
Venue: Margie's Java Joint, Greeley, CO
Leaves That Are Green (wasn't fast enough on the draw to get this one)
Bleeker Street
April Come She Will
Kathy's Song
Flowers Never Bend With The Rainfall
(Photo by Coleen Whitfield)

(Photo by Ivry)
After our man Chuck went on, there were maybe one or two people after him reading poetry or something before I went on. I read 3 poems, 2 of which were actually songs by John Darnielle, and 1 of which was one of mine, one which I had prepared for the previous open mic. Then my friend Sean Prahinski joined me on stage with his glorious guit-box, and I sang one of my little songs.
Band: The Golden Stars (feat. Sean Prahinski)
Date: 2007-05-08
Venue: Margie's Java Joint, Greeley, CO

Hipster Band (First Live Performance EVER!)
(Bonus MP3: Studio version of Hipster Band [which is much better than the live version ... mostly]: The Golden Stars - Hipster Band [Edit] )
(Photo by Coleen Whitfield)
(Photo by Coleen Whitfield)

Band: Sean Prahinski
Date: 2007-05-08
Venue: Margie's Java Joint, Greeley, CO
Untrue Dream

(Photo by Coleen Whitfield)
(Photo by Coleen Whitfield)

Band: Shannon McAleb
Date: 2007-05-08
Venue: Margie's Java Joint, Greeley, CO
Be My Husband (Nina Simone Cover)

(Photo by Coleen Whitfield)
May 26, 2007
"So Beautiful, and T-t-terrible"

Oh Daytrotter, where would I be without you? lost more than likely. A while ago they introduced me to a wonderful little group that goes by the name My Brightest Diamond. While the group is respectfully more than one person, Shara Worden essentially is My Brightest Diamond. More (internal) soul than Winehouse, less conventional than Yorke, just as crazy but more collected than McKay. Her stuff is good, straight up, flat out. Don't believe me? Listen to this live set I snatched up (respectively) from Kwaya Na Kisser. (p.s. this post in mostly in response to the great many requests for a re-up over at Kwaya Na Kisser, which is one of the best damn blogs out there. Go check it out. Daily.)
Band: My Brightest Diamond
Date: 2007-02-25
Venue: Le Ciel, Grenoble, France
Feeling Good (Nina Simone cover)
L'enfant et les sortilèges (Based on Ravel's opera) (favorite of the set)
Gone Away
Something of an End
We Were Sparkling
The Robin's Jar
Golden Star
Je n'en connais pas la fin/Hymne à l'amour (Edith Piaf cover)
Magic Rabbit
No Quarter (Led Zeppelin Cover)
Freak Out
Youkali (Kurt Weill cover)
Joy in Repetition (Prince cover)
Be My Husband (Nina Simone) (Expect another, just as wonderful, cover of this song to be up in a few days/a week or so)
May 25, 2007
"Her sister and mother and 500 families, And will she remember me 50 years later, I wished I could save her in some sort of time machine"

I don't think I've ever used the word "money" in place of "cool," except this one time, and that was just in jest. But I think the first time I heard the band Neutral Milk Hotel, I understood the emotion behind the word.
Neutral Milk Hotel is, in my mind, the penultimate indie rock band, up there with the likes of Wilco and such. You know all those indie bands you know and love? These guys did it first, and did a damn good job of it. If Colin Meloy wasn't a Neutral Milk Hotel fan, then he was just plain out of the loop. Apart from awkward little solo performances by the lead singer, Jeff Mangum, their reformation is nothing but rumor and hearsay ... but one can hope, can't they?
But what makes these guys so awesome? I think there are few things better to portray why these are men among men than a live set. I love this live set because Mangum just sounds so sorrowful and pained. Kinda sick of me huh? Well that's how it goes. and so is this:
Band: Neutral Mail Hotel
Date: 1998-03-04
Venue: Cat's Cradle, Carrboro, NC
Oh Comely (GET THIS SONG!)
The Fool
A Baby for Pree/Where You'll Find Me Now
Everything Is
Song For Che
Jesus Christ/Up & Over We Go
Holland, 1945
Song Against Sex
Rubby Bulbs
Snow Song pt. 1
May 23, 2007
"Gentlemen, You're the 12th Largest Economy in the World and Climbing..."
This is the next installment of the my Metalocalypse series.
May 22, 2007
um ... holy GOD!

May 20, 2007
"BANG, BANG, ROCK & ROLL!"/Everything You'll Ever Need By Art Brut

There are about 4 songs by Art Brut, including their new album, that anyone really has any need to have. Well, this acoustic set I have by them is actually pretty good, but beside that, it's all rubbish. I'm not saying their bad people, I'm just saying that ... dear lhoard their tunes are tame, all because of the "singer." Seriously, I think they'd be a respectable, and damn good, band if they weren't dragged down by the gimmicky vocals provided by Eddie Argos. I don't know much about these party-people, and I don't really care to know any more than that. All you need to know is this:
(side note: that's not to say they don't have an outrageous live show. SEE THEM LIVE!)
Art Brut - Formed a Band
Art Brut - Emily Kane
Art Brut - Bang Bang Rock & Roll
Art Brut - Direct Hit
Band: Art Brut
Date: 2005-10-25
Venue: Session: Planet Claire
Formed a Band (acoustic)
Rusted Guns of Milan (acoustic)
Modern Art (acoustic)
Moving to L.A. (acoustic)
Bang Bang Rock & Roll (acoustic)
My Little Brother (acoustic)
These Animal Menswear (acoustic)
May 19, 2007
"The Album Clearly States 'Intended for Fish Only.' I Rest My Case"
This is the next installment of the my Metalocalypse series.
Dethkomedy Part 1
Dethkomedy Part 2
Dethkomedy Part 2
Dethkomedy Part 1
Dethkomedy Part 2
Dethkomedy Part 2
May 17, 2007
"sing this hook ohhee hoo sing this hook ohheee ohhh, this is all that matters, sing this hook... " is what JJ thinks the lyrics to Atlas are
The Lovemakers - Shake That Ass
I am in a DAmn good mood (thus the "shake that ass" video). I love good news, even if it's just "better news."
And on top of that, hot damn, I've been introduced to 1 hell of a great band, one that goes by the name Battles. I'm sad to say this is old news, but I'm still happy I heard at all.
Apparently the ex-drummer from the well-renowned Helmet, John Stanier, along side other, avant musicians, got together and made a bunch of really awesome music, stuff that can only really be understood once heard. So, here it is:
Battles - HI/LO
Battles - Dance
Battles - IPT2
(you can stream their entire new Cd [which features none of these songs] from their myspace)
And this hotter than hot-shit video, which features my favie by them:
Battles - Atlas
I am in a DAmn good mood (thus the "shake that ass" video). I love good news, even if it's just "better news."
And on top of that, hot damn, I've been introduced to 1 hell of a great band, one that goes by the name Battles. I'm sad to say this is old news, but I'm still happy I heard at all.
Apparently the ex-drummer from the well-renowned Helmet, John Stanier, along side other, avant musicians, got together and made a bunch of really awesome music, stuff that can only really be understood once heard. So, here it is:
Battles - HI/LO
Battles - Dance
Battles - IPT2
(you can stream their entire new Cd [which features none of these songs] from their myspace)
And this hotter than hot-shit video, which features my favie by them:
Battles - Atlas
May 16, 2007
"You Give Me Miles and Miles of Mountains And I'll Ask for What I Give to You"

There are so many thing I could say about the person who I'm essentially focusing on. Thing is, you see, I don't really ... know ... what I'm talking about when I talk about this guy, because he hasn't touched my heart like he has so many others. I think he's damn good, don't get me me wrong, but the level of adoration other have for him is, for me, all ready equaled by artists like the Mountain Goats.
That doesn't mean he's not blog worthy!
Damien Rice is a god amongst men, which, if one could not tell from his music, one can surely tell from his following. These people are essentially the Dethklok fans of singer/songwriting, signing their pain waivers at the door, knowing well what they're getting themselves into, and doing it all the same. In shan's words, "It hurts so good." He makes you want to implode into your own soul, just so you can feel remotely full again, but sometimes pain like that is refreshing, and, to a certain degree, cleansing. I've yet to learn the depths of this feeling in relation to Damien Rice, but I'm learning. Learn with me:
Band: Damien Rice
Date: 2003-09-24
Venue: Studio C: Cities 97
since that set is so short, here's another:
Band: Damien Rice
Date: 2003-09-26
Venue: KBCO Studios (Colorado bitches!)
Intro + opening three notes to Wind Cries Mary
Conversation about Vivian and Cheers Darlin'
Older Chests
And since collectively those two equal about half a real set, here is a set for a frequent opener for Damien (this was recorded right before a Damien set [I feel bad putting this here because it doesn't give it the focus it really needs, because this is such a beautiful set, but it goes with the theme ... and I'm all about themes...]):
Band: Kate Earl
Date: 2005-06-30
Venue: Le Trianon
Someone to Love
Cry Sometimes
Come This Far
When You're Older
May 14, 2007
"Song Idea: A Guy Gets Murdered...At An All You Can Eat Buffet...Oh, And That Happens Forever"
This is the next installment of the my Metalocalypse series.
Dethtroll Part 1
Dethtroll Part 2
Dethtroll Part 1
Dethtroll Part 2
May 7, 2007
"I Tried to Put Myself on the Album As Little As Possible"

Ever hear of the South Park Music Festival? Well if you haven't, you're missin out. Last year was quite the experience if I may say so myself. As it turns out, the creators of the SPMF have teamed up with another festival, called The Monolith Music Fest., which was recently announced, and who else but myself is super-freeking-stoked about it. Well, I think it has some potential, but seeming how no bands as of yet have been officially announced as attending, I can't be too excited. But I sometimes have problems with things like that.
You know who else has problems but we love her not only despite them, but for them? Nellie McKay.
My top 4 Banterers:
1) Dan Deacon
2) Colin Meloy
3) John Darnielle
4) Nellie McKay
This woman has a lot to say, and dear Lhoard does she have the weirdest way of saying most of it. I love a good banterer because, if you're listening to a live set (as opposed to actually being there) it really draws you in, and, if you are there, it makes the connection between you and the artist so much more intense.
Because this set has so many tracks to it, i've decided to .rar that bizzle for those of you who might want the whole set, but don't want to d/l the entire set song by song
Recorded by NPR.
Band: Nellie McKay
Date: 2007-03-27
Venue: Birchmere Music Hall, Alexandria, VA
Here is the .rar'd set.
Inner Peace
(New Song)
Pink Chandelier
[NPR-Style Banter]
Long & Lazy River
The Dog Song
I Wanna Get Married
[NPR-Style Banter]
There You Are In Me
(New Song)
Happy Birthday to Miriam
I Am Nothing
(New Song)
It's A Pose
[NPR-Style Banter/Song]
(New Song)
Won't U Please B Nice To Me
Columbia Is Bleeding
(Unknown Song)
[NPR-Style Banter/Song]
Happy Flower
Real Life (screw up)
Real Life (screw up again)
[NPR-Style Banter]
Toto Dies
Real Life (sucessful attempt :))
[NPR-Style Banter]
The Big One
The Big One (Sung By Child Audience Member)
Suitcase Song
[NPR Wrap-up]
May 5, 2007
This is the next installment of the my Metalocalypse series.
Birthdayface Part 1
Birthdayface Part 2
Birthdayface Part 1
Birthdayface Part 2
May 4, 2007
May 2, 2007
"With Great Power...""Asleep Now...""Secret Heart..."

Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Sealings
The Flaming Lips - The Supreme Being Teaches Spider-Man How To Be In Love
Rogue Wave - Sightlines
In other news, as everyone well knows Rage Against the Machine had their little Coachella stint and now everyone is up in arms about how amazing everything is going to be in the world now that the boys are back in town.
(The Mountain Goats - the Boys Are Back in Town)
Well, I don't mean to bring anyone down (which, in reality, I don' think the opinions of one blogger will be doing much), but their reunion show and following few shows do not have me too stoked. And the rumors that there might be a CD in the works ... come now, lets be honest with ourselves.
Any time any band ever gets back together for a few shows, just for old time's sake, there is always a rumor of a new CD. Regardless of whether or not a new CD is released, fans are disappointed. If it's not made, the fans are sad. If it is made, then it's either a live CD of songs we've all heard before, or it's a new CD full of new material. The New CD route doesn't sound too bad, until you factor in the fact that the artists have all grown in their own separate ways, and have long sense lost the momentum of working with the other three guys. Not to mention Tom Morello's new solo act and how that will not only effect the direction of the music, but how it will effect the tour (because, if Tom is concerned with getting any press about his new stuff, he will want to tour to pump some life into his all ready vibrant album, and, I think, if he's on tour with RATM, people just won't pay any attention to him).
Face the facts people, RATM was, was, a good band.
Now, I'm not saying there is no chance there will be a new CD, and that that new CD won't be amazing, I'm just saying that I have my doubts. These boys are no longer our good old boys.
My buddy JJ has a good sum up of the happenings at Coachella, and Vietnow has 7 live tracks from the show, which actually don't sound very promising.
In last, but certainly not least, news, Feist's new album FINALLY came out. Buy it. It's ... it's a rawkgasm. Here's a live set by my lady:
Band: Feist
Date: 2006-01-27
Venue: Park West, Chicago, IL
Safe and Secure
The Build Up
When I Was a Young Girl
Four Teen Age Boys
So Sorry
Secret Heart
Fighting Away the Tears
Sea Lion Woman
Major Label Debut (Broken Social Scene cover) [well, since she's in that band, I dunno if it's so much a cover ... whatev]
Let it Die
May 1, 2007
"The Drums ... ROCK! The Guitar ... ROCKS! The Bass ... ROCKS!"
This is the next installment of the my Metalocalypse series.
Dethwater Part 1
Dethwater Part 2
Dethwater Part 1
Dethwater Part 2
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