September 18, 2008

Monolith Music Fest. Wrap Up (Saturday): Port O'Brien

Port O'Brien

I absolutely adore Port O'Brien. Their latest album would have made my top albums list had I heard it last year. Five and Dime is one of the best songs ever. This said, I wasn't really enamored with their live set. I really appreciate the way the lyrics on the album flow, and the words that are being said, and this, for me, didn't translate as well as I wish it did. Their energy was high, their instruments were played well, I just didn't connect to it the same way I do to their recorded stuff. Maybe, if I had the chance, I would have enjoyed their music more had I not been rushed. I'd definitely see them again though, because I really do enjoy their songs.

Port O'Brien - Five and Dime

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