I don't know if you knew this, but the Monolith Music Festival is run by one of the guys who ran the South Park Music Festival, so without the SPMF, Monolith wouldn't be around (though it seems as though another new Festival, the Fresh Track Music Fest, also spawned out of the SPMF). I do have to say that, in remembering it, the SPMF was a good time. Anyway, here's what I had to say about it (remember, this was written by me about 2 years ago, so ... well I guess just keep that in mind...) :
South Park Music Festival Wrap Up (bands reviewed below):
Kiyomi and I left here on Thursday around 5PM and got in South Park/Fairplay around 9 or so PM. We promptly got quite lost and had to call back to my dorm room and ask my room mates for assistance. After getting on the right track, we found that South Park did not have a very good system for camping. We drove to the Sinclair (sp?) that was across this humongous dirt parking lot and I asked for directions. The lady behind the counter made it seem like we had to drive like 2 miles up the road to get to where we were going. We couldn't find the place, so we ended up sleeping in the car in the humongous dirt parking lot.
The next morning we woke up and found Fairplay to be a very foggy and cold place. After waking up, we drove to the campground, set up camp, and drove into town. It rained … and it was cooooold rain. We stopped in a coffee shop, got the cheapest coffee (I tried out the special cherry flavoured coffee … and it wasn't all that different) and warmed up. We met these four people, two of which work at WaterCourse, who were all running this marathon for some god-awful reason. We also met these two old guys who were riding their motorcycles. I hope they lived through the day.
Anyway, after that we wandered around town and attempted to find the venues. We found a few, but were completely confused about where some were. We also found this awesome library that used to be the courthouse. We got free doughnuts. After that we got back into the car to warm up. We drove and got Kiyomi some awesome Minnie Mouse gloves and me an awesome Angles Umbrella, which was pretty much only used from the run back to the car after purchasing it.
Then we parked in front of the High School Venue (which was the only place with any good acts lined up) and sat there and read until we could get in.
We went in a little early because we had nothing to do, and ended up standing around for quite some time. We looked at the high school and made fun of all the people in the pictures that were put up around the school.
Finally the first show started and it was quite amazing. I'll have my reviews of the bands after I post this.
After the show we went back to the car, drove to the campsite, got our stuff in the tent, and went to sleep after eating. Kiyomi, apparently, almost died because it was so cold. I however was just incredibly uncomfortable on the hard ground. Needless to say, we got very little sleep. After a small breakfast, I walked Kiyomi to the rec-center near by and she took a shower. I walked back during her shower and got a book to read, brushed my teeth, and ate some more Life cereal. I walked back, read some, and walked back to the camp site w/ Kiyomi. We drove into town, checked out the venues, walked around, and then went to the first show of the day, which started around Noon.
There were many complications with who was playing, and when, etc., but it was quite the day. I didn't see everyone I wanted to, but sometimes that was because they just didn't show up. At the end of the night I actually got a chance to get into the "Onion Showcase" which was the best show I've been to all summer. I met 1 to 2 people of every band that played at it, and a few that had played in the shows that we'd seen earlier and the day before. Definitely made the whole thing worth it.
After the last show was over, we climbed back into the car, drove to the campsite, and determined that it was to cold to sleep in the tent again, and we slept in the car. I would have been fine in the tent, but I didn't want to sleep in the tent alone, and was kind not too keen on leaving Kiyomi alone, but she prolly would have been fine.
Anyway, we woke up the next morning, got ready to go the only show of the day, and then decided that neither of us were all that stoked about it, and we kinda wanted to get an early start on the path back home. We did so, and, though we kinda thought we were going the wrong way for a moment, we got back to our homes safely.
Bands of The South Park Music Festival reviewed:
Everything Absent of Distorted: I thought they were one of the best bands to play during the entire festival. There were about seven people in the band, and of which knew how to perform quite well. They were exciting and dancey. I'm looking forward to seeing them again. They loved the audience, they loved to be up on stage playing, which I thought really shone through in their music.
The Dirty Novels: Realistically, there was nothing to special about them. They were interesting, but nothing that stood out to much. A little dancey, but more just a rock band. Nothing much more
Connor: Seemed to be concerned with their sound, which I liked, save for the fact that their vocals didn't seem to be apart of their concern. I suppose that may have been linked to the fact that the sound guy seemed to be oblivious to the fact that every time the lead singer sung there was feed back. That took away from the show a bit, but, again, they were nothing special.
The Thieves: Definitely the best at putting on a show. From the UK, they just seemed to inherently know how to entertain. Their music was a kind of country driven, UK style Rock 'n' Roll revival, and they were all about giving the crowd a good time. Their music wasn't the best, but it was worth it to see them. Loads of fun, but kinda obnoxious (and the lead singer was requesting the 15 year old girls to come on stage and flash the crowd … ewwww.)
The Hot IQs: the danceyiest band of the night. They are a Denver Local favorite for a reason: they are damn good. Groovy bass, thrilling guitar, and body pumping drumming. Made ya wanna move. Not much more to say on them. Look them up and see how much everyone else loves them too.
Porlolo: Cute indie-folk band with a soothing sound, and a foot stomping sound. Just a good band. They really seemed to love their music, and seemed to be the 2nd most thankful for having people appreciate their music. A great start to the day.
Born in the Flood: Their set was cut Waaaaaaay short because of sound guy issues. I was glad to get to see as much of them as I did. They played three songs, and at the end of the last one, the lead singer smashed his guitar in one fell-swoop (sp?). They were oriented towards being a bit of a noise band, but like U2 if U2 were a noise band (I'm sure BitF would hate that comparison). They were certainly a crowd favorite. Every third person was mouthing the lyrics, and seemed to know the choreographed moves to the songs. Serious about their music, but happy, fun performers. I'll be happy to see them again.
Cameron McGill: We had been looking forward to him since the day before, but because of scheduling issues the festival had, we thought we wouldn't see him at all, but we did actually get to catch the end of his set. He was a shy performer, but you could tell how much he loved his music, and the fact that he loved to perform. A definite crowd favorite as well. They were crying for encore even after the sound guy announced it was NOT gonna happen. He had a haunting, soulful voice that filled you up with warm feelings. And he was comical, which made it all the better. I actually signed up on his mailing list I liked him so much. He had a friend who came up on stage with him to sing a song who he addressed as some fake name. That man was, in fact, Matt Hopper.
JoAnna James: We came in near the end of her set. Nothing to extraordinary. I suppose I liked her because she was just a cute performer, and had, apparently never been drunk before. She took a shot of whiskey on stage (something she'd never done before), and did this adorable little dance. It was pretty awesome. Nothing to memorable, but I do remember liking her music.
Scott H Biram: We didn't even think to go and listen to him, but as we passed some acquaintances, we were pointed in his direction, being told that he is the craziest person ever and he had "the oldest guitar I've ever seen." We checked it out, and it was, indeed, an old guitar he was playing. We got there as he was starting his last song. The entire time, as though just to keep time for himself, he had rigged up a single bass drum and pedal, and proceeded to hit it to the time of the song … throughout the entire song. Apparently he did this the entire set. He had an oldschool microphone which he was gutturally screaming a country style song into. I am sad we missed his entire set. His last words were "remember, Jesus loves Scott H. Biram, but everyone else thinks I'm an asshole." I think I need to look into this.
Matt Hopper: We caught the last half of his set. it was a warm and childish set, but still a good one. He joked around with the crowd, who seemed to just eat him up with their ears and eyes. At one point Cameron McGill joined him on stage under the same Alias that Matt had joined Cameron under and they sang a song together. Fun, cute songs.
Whispertown2000: After the Matt Hopper show, I rushed to the stage Melissa Ivey was supposed to be playing at, and saw that there was some Jam band playing there. As it turns out, there was another scheduling issue that seemed to be plaguing the Festival this year, and she never performed. We came back after a while and a woman got on stage, introduced herself by name (not by a band), and started playing. She was good, and another adorable performer, so we stayed. We figured out later she was ½ of Whispertown2000. She was the 1st most appreciative of being heard a getting to perform her music. She was a ball of cuteness (the type you wanna put inna jar and store away [wow, that sounds creepy. I'm not saying I was into her, I'm just saying is was a fun show]). Haunting vocals sung by an amateurish voice, but it worked, and it worked well. We didn't think we would get to see them, and we were glad we got to see any of them.
Saturday Night @ the Onion Showcase:
Pee-Pee: In my opinion, the best local band Denver has to offer. I love Pee-Pee a freeking lot. Despite the fact that there was food still being served in the venue, the band was loved by everyone in the room. It was probably the most heartwarming moment of the entire Festival when I could tell I was singing along with the lyrics and so were a couple people around me. It really felt like I "got it" … if ya know what I mean. There will be no reason I will ever turn down a chance to see Pee-Pee. They do, however, need to record every song they've got and give it to me right now … the 5 I have just won't do.
Monofog: Ever heard of "The Ultra Boyz!"? They were a Denver local band that recently broke up. I lalalaloved them. This is my new Ultra Boyz! They were obnoxiously loud and distorted and played some of the most raucous noise oriented Dance music I've heard since the last Ultra Boyz! Show. Out of control, never gonna stop rock and muthereffing roll. Their drummer was my favorite drummer of the entire festival. My only issue with them is that their recorded music is too well produced (heh), but I think I can look past that.
Cowboy Curse: Fun fun band, though nothing to extraordinary. Seriously, I really liked their drummer, but other than that, I've not got much to say. They were a solid band, but I've got nothing more to say. Check them out though, maybe you will have more to say about them.
Thao Nguyen: Those of you who know me know what this artist, Kiyomi and I have a history. The last time we saw her, Kiyomi and I were the only two people not in a band who had just played 10 minutes ago who saw her show. She was amazing, though not as much as she was last time, but that's because she didn't have a band backing her up. She still managed to capture the audience's attention, which I was quite happy about. Her last song she had a guy she had met seconds before the show started come up and beatbox to the last song. It was really really kool, especially when she started to beat box too. She was loved, and I love that.
Bright Channel: Kinda reminded me of Monofog, but not as dance oriented, and more … I dunno., I didn't like them all that much because the vocals made my eardrums vibrate, and it made them feel like they were bleeding. Maybe if I heard them again and didn't have that issue I could like them, but so far, no go (sari guys).
The Photo Atlas: I'd seen them before, but I didn't remember them all the well because they played before Hurra Torpedo!, and that is all that stuck with me. They were a lot more dancey then I remember, and a Lot better then I had remembered. They loved the fact that they were playing music, and it really shone through in their songs. They played with the most heart compared to most of the other bands. I can see why they are also a Denver Local Favorite.
Well, that's it.
Check out each band.
1 comment:
dude, to your site is running slow as hell
to much content and words or something
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