2) I love hard work
I really do have to hand it to the boys in Spitzer, these guys certainly are working hard to get their name out there. Not to mention feeding my ego at the same time haha. Well apparently they're on the verge of being signed, so good for them. They've also been doing some remixing (not the kind where some random person with a computer and ACIDPro "mixes" a song, but, like, the real kind ;)). Here's the song they so graciously allowed me to have a chance in hosting haha (they really do seem like nice guys, give them a shot):
Kylie Minogue - In My Arms (Spitzer Remix)
Now, back to our regularly scheduled program:
Norther - N
Verdict: Love (<)
My buddy Dana and I listened to this album whilst playing a bit of Halo 3, and found it well suited to the combat-videogame environment, though he felt as though Norther was a bit to Scandinavian for his tastes. This was honestly the first I'd ever heard by Norther, and I was rather impressed. This album is actually quite well put together. It really brought me back to my roots, and that was nice, because Metal and me haven't been to good of friends as of late.
Norther - Black Gold
Norther - Frozen Angel
Norther - Always and Never
深白色二人组 - 花火
Verdict: Like ()
When the album starts out with Heavy Metal guitars and is quickly followed by acoustic guitar and the poppy-est beat ever, you know you're in store for quite the J-Pop album, which this is. Its mega cheesy and sounds a little bit like a whole lot of American pop music mixed with a whole bunch of other things and sounds a little bit like it should be at the end of an RPG of some sort. But it's just ridiculous enough for me to like it, and the group is talented enough for me to love it.
深白色二人组 - New Beginning
深白色二人组 - 香草的天空
深白色二人组 - 狂奔
White Shoes and The Couples Company - White Shoes and The Couples Company
Verdict: Like ()
Cute Minimalist 70's style Feel Good Indonesia Dance Jazz. It was adorable, but after a while it started to get a little old. In short bursts though, it works out pretty well.
White Shoes and the Couples Company - Tentang Cita
White Shoes and the Couples Company - Sunday Memory Lane
White Shoes and the Couples Company - Topstar
Jettie - Kites For Charity
Verdict: Like ()
I was initially put off by their The Fray-like sound, but underneath that there appears to be a genuinely honest rock band. Epic drum beats give the band a sensational sound at times. Over all a fairly decent rock band that might get some radio play and certainly garners a certain amount of attention, but they may be cursed to obscurity.
Jettie - Epic City Parade
Jettie - Ticking
Jettie - #3 The Nest & The Wind
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