July 13, 2012

There's Always Money in the Banana Stand

So yeah, moving is a terrible thing.  But some cool things have happened this week.  One being that my band, The Don'ts and Be Carefuls, was named "Best Indie-Pop Band in Denver" by Westword.  That was pretty nice of the people who voted for us.

The other good thing is that I have now completely fallen in love with just about everything that Banana Stand Media is putting out.  They sent out their comp like a month ago, and I've only just recently really had a chance to check it out.  It's really good.  I was first introduced to their sessions via the Nextdoor Neighbors' session a while back, and it's good to see that it's still going strong.  They release new sessions a lot, and, so far, they're all pretty good .  Go check them out.  Also, in lieu of a mix tape this week, here is their comp:

Also, after reading a few of their posts, it's one of my new favorite blogs. These kids are kinda hilarious.

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