We, folks, are Sphelar solar cells, and the Stripes are the sun. Soak it up:
(This live set is, unfortunately, incomplete in my heart. I wish they would have played my 2 favorite tracks off the new album. Because they did not, I will host them here for those of you still undecided about our boy and girl in red and white:
The White Stripes - Rag & Bone
The White Stripes - Bone Broke )
Band: The White Stripes
Date: 2007-06-14
Venue: the O2 Wireless Festival, London
Dead Leaves And The Dirty Ground/When I Hear My Name
Hotel Yorba
Icky Thump
I'm Slowly Turning Into You (3rd favorite off Icky Thump)
I Think I Smell A Rat
I'm A Martyr For My Love For You
Death Letter/Motherless Children
In The Cold Cold Night
Jolene (another stellar performance of this song. Jack's voice is so pained. It sounds like it's falling down a flight of stairs. For another [really, better,] performance of this song, check out this older blog)
Cannon/John The Revelator/Astro/Ball & Biscuit
Blue Orchid
The Denial Twist/Wasting My Time
I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself
We're Going To Be Friends
Seven Nation Army
1 comment:
yes..this is amazing.... good stuff
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