After leaving The Broken West, I went down to the main stage to see the much acclaimed Ghostland Observatory. I'd first heard about them by eaves dropping on a couple who had apparently gone to the show they did with The Magic Cyclops. So I checked them out and discovered that the pairing of Ghostland and Magic couldn't have been better, because Ghostland is essentially an upscale version of the Magic Cyclops, with a dash of power-stancey Daft Punk, and a hint of machismo-y Ratatat. Hella dancey. All I really have to say about their stage performance is that I certainly have some new moves to try out on the dance floor.
Ghostland Observatory - Rich Man
Back up the stairs I went to see one of the bands I was just dying to see: Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band. I got to the stage as they were finishing up a jam that seemed to have gone over well, as the crowd just ate them up. The rev launched into a story about the next song, talking about how it was based on true events, and will most certainly be on the next album (even though they just released one two days prior to this performance). The song? Your Cousin's on COPS. Funniest ... shit ... ever. Awkwardly one of the most memorable moments of the festival (for me). I sure with I had an mp3 of it to share with you, but alas, I cannot track down a live recording of it.
Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band - That Train Song
After RPBDB ended I moseyed on down back to the main stage to see Clap Your Hands Say Yeah!, who seemed to be about as thrilled to be there as they always seem (i.e. not very, save for the one crazy member). I'd seen them live at the Gothic about a year or so ago, and I'd have to say that even then, near the end of the huge typhon of fame that hit them all at once, they were still rather bland. Granted, some of their songs are just righteous, but they just don't seem to be into it. I hate to say it, but I like the albums more...
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah! - The Skin Of My Yellow Country Teeth (if you don't all ready have this song ... who are you?)
Ra Ra Riot was one of biggest surprises of the festival. Like the Trickster, I just didn't seem them coming. I admit that I had only heard 2 or 3 songs by them prior to seeing them at the festival, but after their performance, I tracked down as much as I could. These kids rock. They played their flippin souls out. Their new drummer was also one of the best drummers I saw all weekend. They .... I don't even know ... they were just good. Since they played the WOXY.COM Stage, you'll be able to hear their performance in it's entirety on their site. DO SO. Check the WOXY Monolith Recap Site for updates. I'm sure it'll be there at some point.
My fellow Colo-blogger Josh is all about Kings of Leon. I'd heard the hits, and a few of the other songs, but nothing too much. He said I'd love them. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I was disappointed. I, however, equate this to the fact that they played the main stage and, if I haven't said this before, I just didn't enjoy the Main Stage bands as much as I probably would have had 1) I been closer, 2) it been louder. Sorry Esurance Stage, I like my music in front of me, and making my body shake it's so loud. I'll just have to see them again I guess.
Kings of Leon - Wicker Chair
Last 4 bands of Day 1 still to come. Plus Day 2 and then the Arcade Fire/LCD Soundsystem show! Again, sorry I'm busy :(
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